Collage / The Right Mistake. 2021 winter

I really like using collage to create art because it has many unpredictable aspects. I do not know what I will see on the next page of a magazine, or how it might influence me. I never know when the collage will become complete, or even what will emerge as the subject. There is no worry that the work appears chaotic as the next addition can rescue the error of the previous. I call an error such as this “the right mistake.”  #Creative Direction #collage #art #life #artist #design

Clay Sculpture / I Talk to the Wind. 2022  summer

I love how my hands feel touching clay while ideas come to mind. In keeping with Freud's theory of psychosexuality, I hold the clay and experience reality. The whole process is childlike: get an idea, finish it, then a second idea comes, finish that. There is no planning ahead. Take, for example, a clay house - plant a tree next to it, and then shape clouds drifting by. But behind this naïve endeavor, there is some real guidance to offer, about life and death, redemption, and worship. I use sculpture to tell stories, euphemistic and vague, but stories just the same.

Painting / Complex . 2022 summer

After going to a little art fair on my back street, well...there were some cute young artists there, with a strong crotch focus for much of the painting and sculpture. Since then I've been wondering what would happen if I put some more eroticism into my work, and what that would look like.

more sections coming soon...